Saturday 13 July 2013

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Procedure for obtaining Fantastic Curves

Nice curves help accentuate the natural shape of the body. If you are looking to add some flow to your straight appearance, you can do so by zeroing in on the right spots. The chest, shoulders, hips, butt, thighs and abs are all examples of these areas. Target the muscles in these locations with weight training exercises. This can be done with the help of some strength training equipment.

A. Widen and tone your shoulders by performing weight exercises such as the shoulder press, lateral raises and arm circles. Having nice curves is all about proportions, and bigger shoulders create the appearance of a smaller waist.

B. Perform exercises such as push-ups, bench presses and cable or band crossovers to help enhance your bust area. Although you can't use exercise to get a bigger chest, you can build your chest muscles for perkier breasts.

C. Shape up your glutes, or the gluteus maximus muscles, for a tighter and more attractive behind. Give your butt a lift with lunges, kick backs, squats and leg and butt lifts.

D. Trim your waist by doing abdominal and oblique exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and side bends. Not only do these exercises strengthen your core, they give your waist a slender appearance to offset the width of your shoulders and your butt, amplifying your curves.

E. Engage in aerobic activities such as running, jogging or hiking. Doing so gets rid of excess fat, tones your muscles and gives you an overall slender look that accentuates your natural assets.

F. Eat a healthy, balanced diet low in fat and high in protein, fiber and grains. Poor nutrition not only makes you feel sluggish and lazy, it also adds fat. To enhance your curves, you want to be lean and trim.

G. Tone your abdomen. Crunches will help target your stomach muscles, but don't neglect the sides of your waist when toning up. Side crunches will target the oblique muscles along the sides of your waist getting you closer to an hourglass figure.

nice curves

Example exercises

Step 1

Lie face-up on a flat bench to do dumbbell chest presses. Hold the dumbbells an inch apart above you with your palms facing your knees. Lower the weights down to your sides by bending your elbows. Stop when your upper arms are parallel to the floor and push them back to the starting point. Repeat for a set of reps.

Step 2

Sit on a workout chair to do dumbbell shoulder presses. Hold dumbbells right above your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Push the weights up in the air and toward each other until they are an inch apart. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting point and repeat.

Step 3

Stand with your feet hip-width apart to do dumbbell lateral raises. Hold the weights right in front of your thighs with your palms facing each other. Bend your elbows slightly and maintain that bend as you lift your arms up to your sides. Stop when your arms are parallel to the floor and lower them back down. Stop the weights an inch apart and repeat.

Step 4

Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides to do step-ups on a bench. Stand behind the bench with your feet together. Step up on the bench with your right foot, then left foot. Step back down leading with your right foot. Step back up leading with your left foot and step down leading with your left foot. Repeat stepping in this alternating fashion.

Step 5

Walk across the room while lunging. Hold dumbbells down at your sides and step forward with your right foot. Lower your body down by bending your knees. Stop when your right thigh parallels the floor and your left knee is an inch above the floor. Stand back up, step forward with your left foot and lunge again. Keep lunging in this alternating fashion. Make sure to keep your core tight and back straight throughout the exercise.

Step 6

Fasten a pair of ankle weights to your lower legs to do side leg raises. Lift your right foot off the floor and raise your leg up to your right in an arcing motion. Go as high as you can and lower it back to the starting point. Do a set of reps and switch legs. Grab a hold of a stationary object for balance if you need to.

Step 7

Execute a set of bicycle maneuvers. Lie on your back with your legs elevated, your knees bent 90 degrees and your shins level to the floor. Place your hands on the sides of your head and lift yourself up into a crunch position. Twist your body as you bring your right elbow and left knee toward each other. Straighten your right leg out when you do this. Reverse the motion and bring your left elbow and right knee toward each other while extending your left leg. Keep going back and forth in a smooth, pedaling action.

Step 8

Position your mid back on a stability ball to do crunches. Have your shoulders and head slightly elevated and place your hands by your ears. Curl your body up and squeeze your abs forcefully. Lower yourself back down and repeat


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