Wednesday 3 July 2013

on 1 comment

Apple to Launch New App the "i poor"

Apple has announced the launch of a new "app" for its hot-selling laptops and tablets entitled "iPoor". iPoor will offer an integrated financial reporting system that will tell users just how poor they are and the list of reasons why they will always be poor.

Steve Jobs commented, "Given the changing times in the United States and the fact that everyone is dirt poor, we felt it appropriate to design a new application that will reach out to a wider consumer base."

He continued, "we think this product is great because it will be custom tailored to all the reasons why you will personally be screwed. Laid off? No worries, iPoor will know. Social security checks reduced? Yup, iPoor is on that too. And that sore knee which will soon balloon into a 10k medical bill? We've got an app for that and that app is iPoor."

In a sign of compassion Jobs even announced that "iPoor" will be available on Windows machines, "we understand that many people in the United States can no longer afford our products. As such we have decided to offer a Windows version so that more people can access Apple products."

1 comment:

  1. If you are going to publish someone else's work (this if from The Spoof and yes, it's my work) you should at least give credit.
