Monday, 24 June 2013

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Happiness is finding good things in your life - right here, right
now. Realizing you have wonderful things all around you. So many
people live their life stuck on the idea they will only be happy once
they have achieved this, that and the other thing.

And when they do - they realize they aren´t happy after all. Because
then they have new things to want. There´s no way they can put on a
happy face - for real. They haven´t learned to like the wanting-part -
the journey itself. Their mind is set on the idea they cannot be happy
unless they have achieved something (or everything).
They haven´t learned to find happiness in their journey towards the
wanted thing.

Some say happiness is elusive. I think otherwise. Happiness is an
attitude. And as such you carry the keys to happiness with you
wherever you go - it is all inside your own mind. You can learn that
attitude of happiness if you
so decide.

By finding things to appreciate here and now you flow easier with your
life - you let the river of life take you. Learn to appreciate your
life first as it is can bring almost magical results.

I do believe like attracts like. And so finding happiness in the
little things changes your mindset and you become like a magnet -
drawing more good things into your life.
And once this starts happening, then don´t worry be happy -attitude
becomes easier and easier to keep.


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