Keep Your Computer Healthy
- Make sure to have your PC tuned up and checked out twice a year by
our techs. Part of this process includes blowing out all the dust and
debris that your computer collects. Yes, computers do collect this and
it slows down your system, plus this can be a potential fire hazard.
- If you are traveling with a laptop this summer make certain that
your virus protection is up to date and that your firewall is enabled.
People often pick up viruses when they travel as do computers!
- Did a questionable email with an even sketchier web link arrive in
your mailbox? If you have ANY doubts, don’t open it. This is a very fast
way for your PC to become infected and slow down your system
- Change your passwords regularly! You may have heave heard about a
recent security breach at Yahoo. Usernames and passwords were
compromised. If someone were to get your username and password, what
damage might they do to your system?
- Make certain that your surge suppressor is the right size for your
system and that it is up to date. Generally speaking these units should
be replaced every two years.
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